King's Way
King's Way Foundation
Private vs. Public Foundations
- Cost of attorney and accounting fees
- Record keeping, bookkeeping and preparation of tax returns
- Pay 2% excise tax on any investment income annually
- 5% of private foundation assets must be distributed annually to avoid income tax
- Verification of all charities for income tax purposes
- All information of contributions and disbursements are public record
- Cash gift deductions are limited to 30% of your annual gross income and 20% on capital gain property
- No fees - simply fill out the donor form
- KWF handles all bookkeeping and tax receipts
- There is no tax on any investment income
- There are no minimum annual distribution requirements for a public foundation
- KWF verifies tax status for you
- Your contributions are confidential with KWF
- Cash gift deductions are 50% of your annual gross income and 30% for capital gain property
Contact us for additional information.